
million city中文是什么意思

  • 百万人口城市



  • 例句与用法
  • Only 1 percent of the country ' s 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the european union
    5 . 6亿中国人中仅1 %呼吸的空气符合欧洲的安全标准。
  • Only 1 percent of the country ' s 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the european union
    根据欧盟标准,中国5 . 6亿城市人口,只有1 %呼吸的是新鲜空气。
  • Only 1 percent of the country ' s 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the european union
    欧盟认为这个国家五亿六千万城市居民中能呼吸到洁净空气的仅占1 % 。
  • Only 1 percent of the country ' s 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the european union
    这个国家的5亿六千万城镇居民只有1 %被欧共体认为是呼吸的安全的空气。
  • Only 1 percent of the country ' s 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the european union
    中国5 . 6亿城市居民中仅百分之一的人呼吸的空气是被认为符合欧盟安全标准的。
  • Only 1 percent of the country ' s 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the european union
    在5亿6千万城市居民的空气检测中,只有1 %的城市居民呼吸的空气被欧洲联合组织认为是安全合格的。
  • In urban areas , an additional 50 million city residents will join the labour force by 2010 , but only 40 million jobs will be created during this period
  • As the premier of china i ' m often torn with anxiety and unable to eat or sleep with ease when i think of the fact that there are still 30 million farmers lacking food , clothing and shelter , 23 million city dwellers living on subsistence allowances and 60 million disabled and handicapped people in need of social security aid
  • 其他语种释义
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